Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Minis!!!!!

What a crazy time I had doing the Spring Mini sessions!!!  My first day of sessions was scheduled for April 2nd.  The entire week leading up to this day the weather changed hourly!!  One day it was going to be warm and sunny, the next it was going to be cold and rainy.  Last minute I decided to just go with it and rain or shine we were going to get some pictures taken!!
Needless to say it was cold, windy, raining one minute and then sunny the next and even iced!!!!! It was a crazy crazy day!!  Everyone that came out was so fun and did not care one bit that we were all freezing.  Almost everyone was in their Spring outfits (which means not much) and I tried to get some shots as quick as possible and take breaks to warm up in our coats!!  

My 2nd set of Mini's were the weekend after on April 10th!  Mind you this was just one week later and it was 80 degrees and sunny!!!!  It was so hot that I would have gone swimming if there was a pool.  I even got sun burnt!!  I couldn't believe the difference in the weather!!  
Even though the weather was so different on the two days, I had such a great time and would not have changed a thing!!  Thanks so much to everyone who came and endured the crazy Ohio weather!  I got some really great shots and will always remember my very first set of mini sessions!!!

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